MARCH 17, 2023


<aside> ⚠️ The author recommends that this story is viewed on a computer screen. Some of the interactive Tableau visualizations may become misaligned on phone screens.


The World Happiness Report (WHR) uses Gallup World Poll survey data annually to report how people in more than 150 countries evaluate their own lives.

Typically, happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. One might say that the concept of happiness is subjective and varies from person to person. WHR seeks to quantify happiness by combining the data from the six key variables (GDP per capita, Social Support (Family), Health (Life expectancy), Freedom (to make life choices), Generosity, Trust (Perceptions of corruption) and the life satisfaction question, using a statistical method called multiple regression analysis.


This method allows the researchers to estimate the relative importance of each variable in explaining the variation in happiness across countries. The resulting happiness scores are then ranked, with the highest-ranking country considered the "happiest" country in the world.

Link: Further explanation of how WHR calculates happiness scores.

With all this context, let us dive into the analysis.

Data Source & Introduction

The data can be downloaded directly from the WHR website or Kaggle. For my analysis, I used the same data obtained via DSMLC of University of Calgary. The analysis is carried out primarily with the help of Mac Numbers App (Data Wrangling), Python (Correlation matrix viz) and Tableau (All other viz). Tableau access was available through University of Calgary.

Data Preparation & Wrangling

Since the dataset was less than 200 rows in each of the 7 sheets, I considered Numbers Mac App to be the most efficient and effective method for data cleaning. Some of the things I did to clean the data are mentioned in the below toggle section.

Analysis and Findings

I have divided my analysis into 4 broad sections. Let’s dive in!

<aside> 1️⃣ Top 14 countries and their category-wise ranking for each of the 8 years
